Centrista como Billary, dois por UMA. Tudo depende do quê a definição de É seja. Hillary 2008 O mundo através do teclado de uma gringa/meta-brasileira

31 outubro, 2007

Page Ranking só para brasileiros? Rá!

Many myths were dispelled by Google's rearrangement of PR, not a new ranking per se, but a view at all blogs on how updated tech wise or how original and relevant their texts were. I am not so sure about the penalizing of blog farming.

What do you think?

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Quem sou eu

My favorite subjects are languages. We speak four languages at home: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. My mother is from Alagoas and I am from NYC. My father was Greek-Russian, first generation American. We have always voted for the Democratic Party and I support Hillary Clinton.